What’s the difference between RGB and RGBW Light?

RGB Light has Red+Green +Blue led chip in one light, and the wire is 4pins: Red, Green, Blue, and Power.

RGBW light have Red+Green+Blue+White led chip in RGBW light, the wire is 5pins: Red, Green, Blue, White, and Power.

RGB LED Light creates a color close to white, white light by mixing the primary red, green, and blue lights together it cannot create pure white, RGBW light can produce pure white.

Which is better RGB or RGBW?

If all you’re after are basic RGB colors with no requirement for pure white then a basic RGB LED light is generally more cost-effective, however, if you do need pure white then RGBW is better.

Can I use an RGBW controller with RGB lights?

Yes, my friend, you can use RGBW Controller with RGB Lights, the big difference is when you choose pure white, RGB light will Turn off, which does not affect its use.

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